Halloween By Dotti | |
With only a week before Halloween arrives, the stores are bombarding us with costumes, decorations and of course, the treats. It seems you cannot even get out of the store without seeing the treats offered.
How many of us have walked by the treats and said, "I'll get them now so I don't have to get them at the last minute"? Now, honestly answer this question, "How many of us did buy the treats early and have already gotten into them?" I know that I've done that in the past but no more. I've learned that there will be plenty available Halloween day and most times, on sale!
So, what can we do to have a fun Halloween and keep our weight loss goals front and center? Here are a few suggestions that I've learned through my 8 years on this wonderful Journey.
♦ Keep yourself busy getting your house ready for the trick or treaters; they
will love it and you'll have fun doing it plus you are 'moving.'
♦ Make sure you get your sleep and keep your stress level low; exhaustion
and being stressed are sure ways to overeat.
♦ If you are going to be giving out candy, buy it on Halloween day if possible.
♦ Keep a bowl of popcorn and platter of veggies within reach when handing
out candy.
♦ Buy Halloween candy that you don't like.
♦ Take leftover candy to a shelter.
♦ Drink lots of water; in fact, always have water close by.
♦ Eat before your Halloween party; that puts you in control of your food.
♦ Volunteer at the party to greet guests and make them feel welcome; keeps
you busy so eating is not your #1 priority.
♦ Take a veggie plate so you'll have some healthy munchies.
♦ Don't be afraid to say 'no' when offered treats; grab your water and
remember how good it feels to be in control.
♦ Make your own costume if you are going to a costume party. As you can
see below my costume was not made for 'eating' but I sure did have
fun wearing it - lots of laughs & good times with little chance of blowing my
program! BTW ~ I've won first place more than once with this fun costume.
The most important thing to remember is that Halloween is just another day. The candy you would eat on Halloween is candy you can get on any day so why do you have to eat it on Halloween? It's because it's what we do on Halloween. Guess what? You can change what you do on Halloween. No one is putting that candy or those treats in your mouth. You have the strength to say no—each and every one of you.
Do you honestly think that you are having less of a good time because you don't indulge in the treats? Of course not, so why indulge? If you go to your Halloween celebration already satisfied from your 'controlled' meal at home you will have more time to focus on your friends and family. You will not be focused on the 'treats'. Having your water with you at all times reminds you that you are in control. It also keeps you satisfied and gives you a full feeling helping you to overcome the need for a 'treat'.
This year Al and I will be home for Halloween night. Instead of buying Halloween candy this early we have been shopping for ways to dress up the house and walkway in anticipation of our trick or treaters. It's been so much fun and the 'treat' side of it hasn't even come into question at this time. We are more excited about the pumpkins, skeletons, ghoulish sounding doorbell, and how our visitors will like them. I'm planning on being a vampire this year as my grandson Hunter, has been telling me all year to not be a witch again. He didn't like my witch's costume.
I will most likely be buying Annabelle's Mini ABBA ZABBA, Big Hunk Bars, Look Bars (if I can find them this year) or other little 1 pt candy treats as they are not a red-light food for me and one I enjoy now and then. At 50 calories each they are an On Program snack that I can freeze and enjoy whenever I wish. On the other hand, if these were red-light foods they would NOT come into my house. Do yourself a favor ~ do not bring any candy into your house that would be a problem for you. Sooner or later you will get into the candy and you will be so disappointed in yourself. I have found that by removing the temptations it is easier to stay in control. After all, we are all human and being human we all stumble and fall.
This Halloween let's try to do everything in our power to stay in control and to remove any 'problems' that might get in the way of our Journey. Let's stay focused on the event called Halloween and not the 'treats' of Halloween. Laughter, good friends, lots of wonderful costumes and having a wonderful time is Halloween; the 'treats' are secondary. I wish each and every one of you a very
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