Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mindy Buxton Message

Another great message from Fitness Coach, Mindy Buxton:

Greetings Fitness Friends,

Since many of us are still focused on the goals we've set for ourselves this year, I thought I'd give you a sample of what I've been discussing with my clients.  Rather than merely setting goals in terms of nouns and verbs (lose weight, get skinny, become healthy, etc...) take your goals and make a list of descriptive adjectives which describe what your goal actually means in terms of how you want to feel or what you want to experience.

What experience do you want to create by "losing weight" or "getting skinny"?  (Insert your own goal, of course!) Descriptive words that have been mentioned are: light, free, energetic, peaceful, content, balanced, easy to move, joyful, refreshing, playful, and cared for. 

Keep this list of descriptive adjectives in a place you can see them often.  Ask yourself if you're experiencing any of the listed items after your actions. 

After you eat, do you feel light?  When you get your workout in, do you feel energetic?  If you're not feeling many of the experiences on the list, you know you'll need to take different actions so you can create your goal experience.   When you do things that will create the experience you're looking for, you'll be able to successfully reach your goal. 

This process can take some of the unpleasant stress out of goals and keep you focused in the right place!  Use this strategy to get past the first 4 weeks of the new year; where many lose focus or give up on their goals because they're either too frustrated they haven't hit them yet, or they don't know how to go about setting themselves up for success!

Focus on the experience you want to create, make choices that allow you to feel that positive experience and allow yourself time to establish the new experience as your "new normal."  Next year you won't be setting that same old goal because this is the year you'll be able to achieve it!

Have a healthy and active week!

Your fitness & food coach,

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